Presbyopia contact lenses: everything you need to know

Have you started noticing that you’ve got to hold newspapers and menus at arm's length in order to read the print? If you are over the age of 40 and you’ve noticed that it’s become difficult to focus your eyes well enough to read print when held up close, you’re most likely exhibiting the first symptoms of presbyopia.
What is presbyopia of the eye?
Presbyopia is a condition in which your eyes gradually lose the ability to focus clearly on this up close. But don’t panic — it’s a normal part of aging. Most people notice the first signs of presbyopia around age 40.
As you age, the lens inside your eyes becomes increasingly rigid and inflexible, making it more difficult for our eyes to focus light on your retinas and create the images that are sent to the brain. The older we get, the more our lenses lose the plasticity they had when we were young and able to focus easily on objects both up close and at a distance.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent presbyopia, since its cause is aging, but vision that’s affected by presbyopia can be corrected through the use of contact lenses. If nothing is done to correct presbyopia, you may start to suffer from more frequent eyestrain and headaches.
Best contacts for presbyopia
If you have presbyopia, you have several different treatment options, ranging from surgery to corrective lenses. Even among contact lens types, there are several options for treating presbyopia, depending on your specific needs and preferences. One of the most commonly used lenses to correct presbyopia is multifocal lenses.
Multifocal contacts provide a gradient of different prescription powers, making it easier for your eyes to change focus between objects that are close up or far away. One of the many benefits of contact lenses compared to glasses is that they may be worn continuously throughout the day, meaning that there is no need to take on and off a set of reading glasses.
Similar to bifocal glasses, contact lenses with bifocals are a type of multifocal contact that provides for two different powers, improving sight at a distance as well as up close, though they differ from multifocal lenses in one key way — where multifocal lenses provide a gradient transition in vision correction in far, intermediate and close fields of vision, bifocals provide a less subtle transition between the two power strengths. Bifocal contacts are most often used to correct for difficulty focusing distant objects as well as for reading.
People with presbyopia often choose these types of contact lenses for reading and distance vision, since they can correct multiple refractive errors in different fields of vision, providing an easy transition between them. You can order any of these contact lenses online from ContactsDirect® and have them sent directly to your home - hasslefree! Just provide your prescription information, and when you’re ready to check out and place your order, you can even insert any insurance information.